Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe Felt Duty-Bound to Make Hefty Donation for Banyana Banyana!
Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe Felt Duty-Bound to Make Hefty Donation for Banyana Banyana! The foundation made a significant contribution yesterday.

Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe Felt Duty-Bound to Make Hefty Donation for Banyana Banyana! The foundation made a significant contribution yesterday.
The Motsepe Foundation donated R6 million to Banyana Banyana yesterday. This was because of an altercation between SAFA and the players.
Banyana Banyana were supposed to play their farewell match against Botswana over the past weekend. However, the players boycotted the match due to salary concerns.
The players had bonus demands which SAFA failed to meet, citing monetary issues. This is when the Motsepe Foundation stepped in, donating R6 million to the players.
Each player will walk away with R230 000 in bonuses.
“When the Motsepe Foundation was requested by the Ministry of Sport, Arts and Culture and SAFA to assist in resolving the dispute between SAFA and Banyana Banyana, we felt duty-bound to make a humble donation to ensure that our talented female players can fulfil their dreams of representing South Africa at the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand,” she told the press yesterday.
“We believe that football has the power to bring together and unite people from different races and religious, ethnic and income groups and these are some of the reasons the Motsepe Foundation has supported and sponsored football competitions and development projects over the years. We would like to thank Minister Kodwa and everybody who contributed to resolving the dispute and wish Banyana Banyana everything of the very best at the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023.” She concluded.
The national team took off yesterday. Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe Felt Duty-Bound to Make Hefty Donation for Banyana Banyana!