Should Camera’s be allowed in the Dressing Room?

According to Simon Green head of BT Sport, Television Camera’s should be allowed in football dressing rooms.
Green believes that the Premier League should drop its arrogance and take a leaf out of the NFL’s book to give the media open access if they want to continue their international growth.
“If you go to the States just look at the access you are provided to make the television viewers want to see, feel and hear,” Green told a KPMG Football Benchmark event in London.
“I’d say provide broadcasters with more access, such as to the dressing room with the players. We are not there to catch people out, we are there to tell a story and to tell a good story”.
Do you think this would work in the PSL, bring more viewers for the broadcasters or that extra spice we rarely see in the dressing rooms, would you like to see Khompela marshaling his troops during halftime. We dont know, whats your take?
By Jimmy Modise.