Football Scouts Flock Into South Africa

Over the years we have a great deal of South African players invited for trails abroad and some making it and some not. Recently it has been confirmed that some scouts from France have been involved and following South African Football.

The likes of Kermit Erasmus and Keagan Dolly are some of the top players from South Africa playing in the French league. In the past weekend and month, players like Rivaldo Coetzee and Phakamani Mahlambi have caught the interest of some of the French teams and scouts have been attending games.
South African football over the years has been criticized as slow and not fast paced. In Europe for instance they play a fast ball game and spacing game in which players make runs and it is the ball that runs and less frequently players running. However, South African teams have adapted and adopted the European style of play with teams like Cape Town City being fast and playing attacking football.
In Spain they play tiki tak, a style of play which is more focused on knocking the ball around and ball position being the factor in the game but this has since changed as ball position does not win games but it is goals that win the match. South African players have been watching and learning from overseas style of playing and this is one factor that has enticed European scouts to come to South Africa for young players. This is a great factor for South African football.