SAFA Did Not Have the Funds to Pay R6 Million Banyana Banyana Bonuses!
SAFA Did Not Have the Funds to Pay R6 Million Banyana Banyana Bonuses! The association was recently in a financial battle with the players.

SAFA Did Not Have the Funds to Pay R6 Million Banyana Banyana Bonuses! The association was recently in a financial battle with the players.
The Motsepe Foundation paid Banyana Banyana R6 million in bonuses for participating in the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup last week. Apparently, SAFA could not afford to pay that money.
The Banyana players boycotted their friendly against Botswana two weeks ago, which was supposed to be their send-off game to the tournament. This is because SAFA did not agree to pay them bonuses.
FIFA will pay every player participating in the competition $30 000 (R560 000). The association was hoping this would suffice, but it did not.

The Motsepe foundation stepped in to donate a further R6 million to the squad, meaning each player will get an additional R230 000 to the $30 000 from FIFA.
“The association relies on funding from sponsors, or government or other funders, so whatever we pay, it is money that we get from those sources,” SAFA chief financial officer Gronie Hluyo spoke, as per Sunday World.
“That’s why we had to appeal to other sources to get funding – because the association does not have its own money. It was going to be difficult to raise R6-million for Banyana.
“We were going to look for other funders. Our model is to look for long-term partnership and not short term, where you just sponsor for the world cup.
“We are in the market looking for Banyana secondary sponsor. Sasol are the main sponsor, but we want to have other sponsors.
“What created confusion is the way FIFA allocated the money, because they said we are putting aside an allocation for the players and for the federation and it was very clear to us. We then met with the players and told them they were getting FIFA allocation according to how FIFA did it and Safa will get what is allocated to federations.
“But then the players wanted an additional money from Safa,” he added.
The ladies are currently in camp ahead of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. SAFA Did Not Have the Funds to Pay R6 Million Banyana Banyana Bonuses!