Teko Reveals Details On Tso Vilakazi’s Alleged Age Cheating

Teko Reveals Details On Tso Vilakazi’s Alleged Age Cheating! We bet every player who ever had a bad run in with Teko Modise was holding their breaths when he announced the release of his memoir because no one is safe, Teko is telling it all.
In the new book that has been making headlines since its release, Modise touched on the Tso Vilakazi’s suspected age cheating saying he once refused to play with “Tso” in a township tournament because he was one of several children who received fake IDs.
“Teko was amazed at how many wrongly aged boys were playing in this tournament. The issue with a business arrangement like this is that the deal is permanent.
“Your new ID had your photo, name, and birthplace. Everything was accurate, except your date of birth. The permanence and shadiness of the deal scared Teko off, so he decided not to play with Tso that day,” the book states.
Tek says months later he was set to face so again in other tournament and he told him he knew about the fake IDs.
According to his book, Modise told Tso: “Chief, I was there that day. I know what happened. We not gonna play you guys – you guys are over-age. Most of you have fake IDs.”