Tokyo Sexwale Speaks Up About The FIFA Scandal

Finally Tokyo Sexwale has finally broke his silence about the 2010 Soccer World Cup bribery allegations against the South African government. He says the allegations of corruption from the US investigation are “worrisome”.
The South African government keeps denying the corruption allegations of bribery, the former premier of Gauteng speaks about how the people who keeps denying any possibility of the bribery in the build-up to the 2010 World Cup, the kind of trouble they will end up in.
Sexwale, who was a member of both the 2010 World Cup bid and 2010 Local Organising Committee, has went on a questioned the claims that the payment was indeed a donation. “If they are not there, are you going to leave the FBI interpretation intact” he added.
Sexwale’s name is one of the names on the list of individuals that could be one of the two South Africans who are allegedly involved in paying for the bribe.