Christiano Ronaldo’s CR7 keyboard got more than 500.000 downloads in less than 3 months!

Christiano Ronaldo’s CR7 keyboard got more than 500.000 downloads in less than 3 months! An achievement the soccer star is clearly proud of .
Check out what he had to say below:
“Exciting news! My CR7 keyboard got more than 500.000 downloads in less than 3 months! Download it here for free”
About the App
1 An automatic spelling and style checker, protecting you from embarrassing mistakes.
2 An extremely convenient layout, making commonly used keys more accessible than on other keyboards.
3 Automatic word completion and correction, using a sophisticated algorithm that adapts suggestions to your vocabulary and style.
4 Next-word prediction that learns your vocabulary and style as you type.
Your privacy is important to us, and we at CR7 keyboard have chosen to undertake strict safeguards to protect your privacy. Please note we don’t save any credit card information or passwords keep that in mind when you receive the notification from android regarding privacy. we also strive to meet and exceed industry standards.