Sports News
Tardelli Says Juventus Will Need Holy Water To Beat Barca

Juventus will need holy water to be able to stop Lionel Messi and his teammates from scoring in the Champions League final when they play against each other said Marco Tardelli. He is also a World Cup winner with Italy in 1982, played for Juventus in the 1985 European Cup final.
He was asked how he plans to stop Messi and his team, he hinted that he would use some rough tackles, but mentioned that Juventus may need holy water with them on the field.
“I’d do what I did against Maradona”, he laughed. “But now you can’t play like that. Juventus has good defence and Barcelona has a great attack.”
Saturday’s UEFA Champions League final will ne played in Berlin and Barcelona could lift the Champions League trophy for the fifth time if they win.