Wayne Rooney’s 2016 Net Worth

Manchester United and England captain Wayne Rooney has won five premier league titles. He became 5th highest paid footballer in the world after Lionel Messi , Ronaldo , and David Beckham. Wayne Rooney signed a $105 million, five-year contract extension in 2014 with Manchester United that will keep him playing at Old Trafford until June 2019, just shy of his 34th birthday. Here is Wayne Rooney’s 2016 net worth.

Rooney has moved on fourth in Manchester United’s list of all time goalscorers after overtaking George Best and Dennis Viollet last season. Rooney donated £50,000 to the clean-up operation that followed the riots in 2011. That gives a question,how much is Wayne Rooney’s net worth?
Rooney’s net worth is £189 Million and his Annual salary is £13 Million. While he earn £180,000 per week.