10 Most Bizarre Sports That Actually Exist

Mostly when we think or talk about sports, we talk about soccer, rugby or golf. According to research, there are many unknown sports around the world that one never thought or knew existed.
The sports mentioned here are some of the weirdest sports played around the world.
10. Underwater hockey
It may look easy, but is it one difficult sport. Imagine having to hit the ball with a paddle stick under the water. It is played by 6 players per team. It is very common sport around the world.
9. Bossball
This sport originated in Spain. It is a sport for the adrenaline filled athletes. It is similar to volley ball but the difference is that it is played on a trampoline. 3-5 players per team. If you have energy then its something you would enjoy.
8. Wife carrying
Now this is the most outrageous sport. In this sport men carry their wives through obstacles courses in the shortest time. Men, if you have a flexible women then this is for you.
7. Dog surfing
For all the dog lovers, here is a perfect sport for you to do with your dog. The objective of this sport is to train your dog to sit upright while surfing and enjoy the ride.
6. Unicycle polo
This is one of the funniest sports to watch. Imagine horse polo riding replaced with an off balanced one wheeled cycles. Now if you are in need of a good laugh then this is the sport for you to watch.
5.Caber Toss
One of the oldest sports in the world. It is all about tossing a large wooden pole over a certain distance. If you are strong or a body builder then this is the sport for you.
4. Chess Boxing
Now these sports get weird by time. This sport is a perfect combination of your brains and muscles. Players need to be skilled with both chess as well as boxing.
3. Cheese Rolling
Now if you love playing with food then this is the sport for you. This sport has been around for over 200 years and till this day it is still played.You stand on top of a hill, roll the cheese down the hill and follow it. The one who reaches down with the cheese at the same time wins.
2. Blind Soccer
Now this sport encourages disabled people to get out there and have fun and be comfortable while doing it.
1. Ferret Legging
This is a sport to basically show off the man within but could change the manly part in a couple of minutes.
So which sport bests suites your personality?