Head Coach Recalls Last Moments Before Siphamandla Mtolo Collapsed in Training!
Head Coach Recalls Last Moments Before Siphamandla Mtolo Collapsed in Training! The passing of Spepe has come as a huge surprise.

Head Coach Recalls Last Moments Before Siphamandla Mtolo Collapsed in Training! The passing of Spepe has come as a huge surprise.
Richards Bay FC midfielder Siphamandla Mtolo sadly passed away on Tuesday afternoon. Head coach Vasili Manousakis recounted his last moments before collapsing.
It is said that Spepe collapsed in the last 15 minutes of training, with the session practically about to end. He was then rushed to the hospital where despite receiving as much care as possible, he passed on.
This has come to the shock of the PSL, the country, continent and most importantly the Richards Bay FC family.

“The players were unbelievable, the entire squad, everyone,” the head coach revealed to News24.
“They were there, taking off his potency socks and whatever was needed, passing water, ice, whatever the frontier required at that time.
“We didn’t even blink, and the team manager had his car on the field because, obviously, there was a massive risk in waiting for the arrival of the ambulance.
“This was all precaution at this stage, and obviously, on the way to the hospital, the rest they say is hard to say.”
With 15 minutes of training left, Spepe collapsed, with his teammates rushing to help him up. He was struggling to breath as team manager Jeffery Fakude rushing his car onto the training ground to help him in and take him to hospital.
This is when Spepe met his untimely death. Head Coach Recalls Last Moments Before Siphamandla Mtolo Collapsed in Training!