Morgan Ngwato Mammila Back At Coaching Chippa United

Morgan Ngwato Mammila Back At Coaching Chippa United. His relationship with the Absa Premiership club is quite a special one. Morgan Ngwato Mammila is back for his third stint at Chippa United.
When he first joined the Eastern Cape side in 2018-19 season, he fulfilled the role of chief executive officer, which lasted only four months before he quit the club via a statement on his Twitter account. In July 2020, Mammila returned as the club’s general team manager: football and compliance.
Now Mammila has been appointed as the head coach of Chippa United. The club hopes for a Top 8 position in the next season, as well as cup victories. He takes this as an honor and thanked the relevant authorities, including the supporters for the faith they all have in him.
“I feel honoured for Opportunity to Coach @ChippaUnitedFC. Special thanks from Chairman, Executive Director, GM, Management and Supporters for believing in me and the Technical Team. We are ready…..,” he announced.
The football club also issued a statement two days ago to announce Mammila’s appointment. The regard him as a man with massive experience, which will benefit the team. As for Siabulelwa Gambi, he will maintain his position as the club’s First Assistant Coach.